My Return to Future Fossils Podcast w/ Michael Garfield: "Japanese Esotericism, Lost Civilizations, and The Singularity (Part 1)"

Hi everyone, I'm delighted to let you know I've had the pleasure to return to The Future Fossils Podcast to record a 'welcome back' interview with none other than my fabulous friend and colleague Michael Garfield.
It was an incredible opportunity to get to speak so freely about ancient-future matters on a prolific podcast with a name that basically captures the essence of the discussion. I've always appreciated Michael's kindness and bravery as a host, not just of a podcast but of whole online communities, who is committed to giving his listenership and community the permission to explore the strangest possibilities of human existence.
A short description from Michael about our recording:
"This week and next, we talk to returning guest Tadaaki Hozumi about the crossroads between the esoteric history of Japan and its Indigenous peoples and royal family; the mysterious convergence of ancient records from around the world on stories of lost civilizations and extraterrestrial encounters; and how animism and magic seem ripe for retrieval as we barrel down the chute of the Technological Singularity."
Hope you enjoy! Please click the link below to listen in.

If you enjoy the content I'm creating, I definitely appreciate your support in fully returning to my practice, especially as I have been essentially living mostly off savings for the last two years and plan to continue my pilgrimage journeys. Please feel free to make a one-time donation here or subscribe to making a recurring donation here.