I will be speaking at the Mystics Summit 2022

Hi everyone! It's been a minute.
While I am still toiling in my hermit cave these days, trying to both suss out and prepare for what's next, I wanted to poke my head out for a moment to let you know that I will be speaking at the Mystics Summit 2022, running from August 15-19, organized by the Shift Network.
It was truly an honor to be interviewed for my session with my friend and colleague Mike Morell.
We discussed a lot of what has been stirring me over the last year - how the pressures of environmental crises, socio-economic collapse, and singularity are massively rearranging our understanding of who we are and why we are here. We are coming into the awareness that we just might be in a 'simulation', at the same time that our conscious engagement with the material nature of the world and its ecosystemic nature has never been more critical.
In particular, I had a chance with Mike to share what processing all of this has personally meant to me as a Japanese person in diaspora who has been doing ancestral healing work in earnest. My trials and tribulations over the last year, which nearly broke me multiple times, have shown me clearly that I am to own and honor the power that runs through me, as a conscious heir of the Mononobe-Hozumi clan - the world's longest documented and continuous shamanic lineage.
The message that I've been receiving through my (ongoing) initiation is that we are living in a time of great friction between real and virtual realms. Underneath the surface of larger social phenomena, such an cancellation-based social justice culture, the rise of the alt-right, Qanon, and so on, there is a great drama of love and war between the spirits of IRL and URL worlds, which we are experiencing as the cyborgification of our collective nervous systems via internet technology.
Seeing this reality has greatly shifted the orientation of my practice, and has led me to consider that one of the most important bridges that need to be built right now is between techno-animism and land-based animism. I believe that Ten-Chi-Jin (天地人), that is "The Connecting of Heaven and Earth through the Human", in 2022, necessarily includes the blending of online and on-land spirits through the development of a new decentralized and open-source spiritual systems.
My conversation with Mike was such a fantastic opportunity to begin getting my feet wet again in talking about these subjects. If you'd like to tune into this conversation, I invite you to join me by clicking the banner below. I will also be joined by luminary pals such as Rev. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD and Sophie Strand, as well as a slew of other fantastic and knowledgeable guests!
The Mystics Summit August 15-19, 2022
