

Thank you for your inquiry into my consultation services.

It is an honor to receive your interest.

In welcoming you to learn more about working with me, I would like to begin by offering my analysis of: "what is happening in the world right now". I hold that strong congruence on this subject is requisite for us to be able to do satisfactory work together.


Like many others, I believe we are living through a very tumultuous and transitional time.

Looming ecological crises and socio-economic collapse are posing imminent threats to the basic condition of our lives while online technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are en masse completely rearranging our perception of existence itself, pushing many of us toward the edges of psychic breakdown.

Worse yet, we are dealing with all of this upheaval within the context of modern Western culture in which failure of spiritual institutions is rampant, and disconnection from ancestral traditions is normalized. The stresses that come from facing this reality are pushing many of us toward algorithm-driven viral online cultural phenomena, such as cancellation-based social justice, the alt-right, and Qanon, resulting in ideological hyper-polarization of our culture.

I believe that in this trend, we are seeing, amongst other crises, the gradual makings of a new civil war fought between hyper-decentralized fundamentalist groups that emerge from the online world as manifestations of collective psychotic breakage. The truth is that there are already casualties of this war. Even though most stories go untold, many have been pushed into grave psychological illness, thrown into homelessness, driven to suicide, and even murdered.

As a cancellation survivor myself, I know that all conflicts of the URL world eventually come to the IRL world.

My belief is that therapy and activism are not nearly adequate tools for what we are dealing with in these times. What most of us, including myself, need is gnosis, an experiential understanding of divine knowledge, to meet the terror with awe. This is to say, what we are going through is a highly chaotic mass initiation process without elders or traditions that can explain to us what is happening and hold us through the process.

I provide my consultation services because I personally know how challenging and isolating it is to be on this path without adequate support. The upheaval that has been required almost completely crushed my psyche. So while I know this is not about saving any person from what is inevitable, when I say I do not want you to go through similar and I want you to be supported, I am being serious.

Continuing on, even though I have spoken to so much peril, I also genuinely believe that our lives are an incredible gift that our ancestors have left behind for us through their enormous struggles and sacrifices. There has never been a time that has been so much freedom and safety for us to engage in mystical self-exploration and connect with other seekers across great distances and cultural differences.

This fertile environment is calling upon many of us to follow a self-initiatory path that asks us to develop new traditions and practices, built upon the common building blocks of human spirituality, both freed from the grasps of abused institutional power and in deep reverent relationship with the cultural legacies of the traditions and practices we draw from. While this kind of direction in mystic work is certainly not new, I believe that the continuing trend of the online world becoming a place for significant spiritual work, including the development of practitioner communities and shared repositories of esoteric information, is bringing a renewed 'open-source' ethos of collaboration, transparency, and democratization via decentralization.

Having said this, cultivating an 'open-source' mystical practice with integrity is no easy task. Balancing our appropriate needs and wants, with the truth that we are living with the uncertainty of looming socio-economic and environmental crises brought upon us because of centuries of neglected cultural energetic imbalances requires us to become incredibly spiritually nimble and "thread the needle". Being able to hold paradoxes is essential, such as developing both a strong sense of ethics that is attuned to natural law and a high capacity for ideological flexibility that cannot be easily entrapped by social convention.

Currently, my work is dedicated to this emerging collective field of mystical work and finding ways to live through this complex time with spiritual integrity and a sense of joy. If you are interested in working with me, I invite you to my practice as a fellow traveler on the same initiatory path.


The fundamental premise of my consulting work is that it is a service I provide fellow seekers who are also on a self-initiatory path.

I make myself available to share skills and insights that I've gained in my own journey through direct experience and the knowledge that I have access to through my ancestors who were experts in many Japanese esoteric practices.

Please note that, in me providing my services, that I'm also merely a traveller on this journey just like you. Because of this, aside from the core values of "gratitude, respect, and humility", which I believe are requisite for us to share for me to be useful to you, I expect you to test and validate for yourself anything you learn from our work together.

I also consider anything you learn from our work together to be fully your knowledge. There is no request on my part to credit or refer to me or anyone else as I believe it is up to you to make choices that uphold your integrity. In the end, there is nothing you can learn from our consultation work that you can't learn from direct experience of the wild cosmos itself.

Finally, in regards to navigating possible dual relationships, my baseline assumption is that the people who access or are interested in accessing my consultation services are fundamentally committed to showing up as equal peers, regardless of our working arrangement or difference in experience.

If everything I've said above resonates with you without reservation, please feel free to proceed below to learn more about rates and booking an initial consult.



Note: Discount rates are available for great fits. In the end, my work is all about people and relationships. Please inquire.

Initial consult

Please book a free initial 30-minute consult so we can get to know each other.

Note: My booking app blocks my time out for an hour but our meeting length is 30 minutes.

Consult - Tada Hozumi